Just for fun, I would like to share something amusing with you on this New Years Day.
I regularly check my visitor hits to this and my other sites so I can learn where my visitors come from, i.e., how they find this Blog. Today, when I searched the keywords some have used to find us through Google, I found the most interesting keyword usage. One interested person used the key phrase “how to right a book.”
The good news is, they found us, the bad news is, they probably shouldn’t be considering “righting a book!”
Have a blessed New Year!

LOL! The main thing is they found you and need your tips - obviously. Happy New Year!
Perhaps they were referring to the right-brained aspect of writing. Okay, probably not.
Or maybe there is something very "wrong" with their book and they want to "right" it.
The main thing is they found you and need your tips
Work from home India
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