I realize we have posted several interviews of late, but I truly believe this information will benefit our readers, and that’s what’s most important to this Blog editor.
I’d like to introduce you all to my “second cousin” of sort. Author Audrey Heagney is actually my mother’s first cousin. Audrey writes a regular column for the Portland Baptist Examiner. She has also written three non-fiction books and has one more on the way.
Carol Denbow: Welcome Audrey. I’m so glad you are here to share your writing and publishing experiences with us. What I’d really like to share with our readers is how you go about finding the audience for your books. I have watched you aggressively seek out your potential readers over the past few years and I am truly impressed with your desire to search in non-traditional areas. Your first book, The Five G’s Plus Two is a family history book based on raising a family on Christian values. So to start, would you consider the genre of this book to be autobiography, Christianity, or both?
Audrey Heagney: Hi Carol, thank you so much for having me. It is a pleasure and an opportunity to be interviewed by you.
Finding an audience for my book has been an interesting venture. Aside from family and friends, young parents are interested in the avenues we took in raising our family and the values we instilled in our children. Since the genre of this book touches on family and Christianity the audience seems more receptive.
Carol Denbow: When you first published this book, I recall your frustration with the “lack of sales” (I hear this complaint regularly). I also remember advising you to look “outside the box” for interested book buyers. So where did you attempt to find your audience to buy this book?
Audrey Heagney: People who knew our family, neighbors who have children and even some grandparents found the book as a value to share with their families. Church groups, a booth at a local festival and woman’s clubs plus book stores and libraries all offer an audience and sales for family adventures in print.
Carol Denbow: I see you have not relied solely on traditional book sellers. This is what I would like to see more authors do with their own books; look for their audience at in other places.
You recently released a new book, Something Old ‘n” Something New. Can you tell us a little about this book?
Audrey Heagney: In this book I talk about the conditions of our society that I recalled as a youngster and the opinions formed as I walked through my years. In doing so, I compare those years to where society has brought us today. I also relate my growth in the Christian way of life and the benefits I feel I have derived from that knowledge.
Carol Denbow: I know you had realized early on that book’s don’t sell themselves. So how did you go about establishing a reputation which would increase your Christian audience as well as gain more exposure for yourself as a Christian author?
Audrey Heagney: Several years ago I was asked to start a bereavement class in my church. I soon realized I could be more effective writing a monthly column on the subject—so I did. With this experience under my belt, I auditioned to write a column in the Portland Baptist Examiner and was immediately asked to join that staff. I do enjoy this assignment and find it broadens my writing base as well as offering more exposure for my work.
Carol Denbow: Audrey, we all learn over time that a positive reputation and good public exposure can help us sell books. It seems you have learned that lesson well! We would love to hear what’s next for Audrey Heagney.
Audrey Heagney: I’m so glad you asked as my next book is offering a lighter venue. Life does present laughter and joy and very often it is healthy to be able to laugh at ones’ self. The title of the book is ‘Ah, Fifty Years… of Marriage, That Is’ and speaks of the peaks and valleys found from being inexperienced in the institution of marriage and parenting.
Carol Denbow: For a viewer who might be interested in your books, or might like to visit your Website, Jesus In Our Daily Lives, what is that link to click on?
Audrey Heagney: http://www.freewebs.com/audreyheagney is my web site; Jesus In Our Daily Lives. Clicking onto the link, ‘books’ will bring you to the publications. Both books can also be found on Amazon and they can be ordered from Barnes & Nobel or Boarders.
Carol Denbow: I would like to suggest when stopping by Audrey’s Website, visitors click on to her Blog as well.
Thank you Audrey for being a guest on A Book Inside. If anyone would like to leave a comment, please do so below.
Audrey Heagney: Thank you, Carol. It is always a pleasure to visit with you and a real plus to be related to you!
Thanks for visiting A Book Inside Blog!
Good interview with some helpful ideas on marketing our books. Were Audrey's books self-published, do you know? Mine is.
Great interview! We all need to look beyond traditional outlets for our books.
Interesting interview. Off to check out her website and blog now.
helpful ideas on marketing our books
Work from home India
A wonderful and helpful interview. I've been following your blog for a while and have read some of your very useful articles.
I run a follow-friday (blog style) from one of my blogs and have just picked this blog to feature today. Don't worry. You don't have to do anything. It's not a meme or anything like that. Here's the link if you want to read it.
great interview and information!
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